Do you want to have more clarity in your life? This one step is guaranteed to help you feel at ease, be more relaxed and feel spacious is to DECLUTTER your life.

Now there are multiple ways to do that. One of the ways i discovered is called the Kon Mari Method as described in the book “The Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo. You may know more about the details of the How to Declutter by watching Tidying Up by Marie Kondo on Netflix.

I just did my bit of decluttering the space and started with clothing. Keep the ones that spark joy and let go of the ones that don’t. It’s that simple. This decluttering may seem like a daunting task but it isn’t. Just start with a small drawer, pile of papers or your cupboard.

Letting go of the things you don’t need creates space in your life. Just as you make more space for stuff when you declutter your wardrobe, you make more space for positive emotions when you declutter your mind by letting go of anger, jealousy, irritation, frustration.

Declutter your space and mind to create more clarity.